Nel settore militare, la fibra ottica viene utilizzata per diverse applicazioni. Una delle principali applicazioni è la trasmissione di dati ad alta velocità tra diversi punti all’interno di una base militare o tra diverse basi militari. La fibra ottica offre una maggiore larghezza di banda rispetto alle tecnologie di trasmissione dati tradizionali, come il rame o il wireless, e può trasmettere grandi quantità di dati in modo affidabile e sicuro.
Additionally, optical fiber is highly resistant to electromagnetic interference and eavesdropping, making it ideal for sensitive military communications. Communications security is of paramount importance to military operations, and optical fiber provides a higher level of protection than other technologies.
Optical fiber is also used in creating sensors for military surveillance applications. These sensors can be used to detect the presence of vehicles, people or other objects in sensitive areas, such as military bases or combat zones. Fiber optics offer greater accuracy and sensitivity than other sensing technologies.
Fiber cable management
Customized Neutrik Adapters
Isopropyl alcohol
Large Core fiber assembly (Bundles)
Metallic Box DIN
Patchcords with large core fiber
Cable drums
Cable management reels with arm
Pre-wired audio, video and data broadcast cables
Data cables
Pre-wired cables with Neutrik Optical CON connector
Outdoor cables sm and mm
Preconectorized Outdoor cable SM and MM
Preconectorized cable with MT-RJ connector
Pre-wired cable with EZ Mete connector
Pre-wired cables MHC-T3
Scissors for aramid reinforcements
One Click Tool For Cleaner Connctors
Optical Source and Power Meter
SMPTE one-Click cleaner tools
Visual Fault Locator
Product families
Sales force